Inspire's Got Talent
We are finally coming towards the end of lockdown number 3 and we have been getting creative over zoom with all sorts of fun and games. But one activity we did a couple of weeks back sticks in our minds and has given us all a memory we will always look back at! We held a dance competition over zoom which we called Inspire’s Got Talent.

With over 50 of us on zoom at one time we broke an inspire record for having the most people on zoom. We had our gymnasts and their families gathered around the screen watching the dance competition. Popcorn, ice cream, crisps & fizzy drinks were just a few examples of some of the snacks we all had that night. This was such a lovely night for all of us to be a part of together, in a time where haven’t seen some people for over 3 months!
We set the gymnasts a challenge in their squad groups to come up with a dance over zoom to a piece of music that we pulled out of a hat at random. They had to think of a name and what they would wear for the dance comp. During half term week they practised their dance and made it all up together in their zoom sessions. We pre-recorded the dance routines before the big night on their individual zoom sessions.
Inspire’s Got Talent night was finally here and everyone has been so excited to see each other’s routines! We watched the pre-recordings all together using the share screen function on zoom and then voted using a link sent to all squad WhatsApp groups. In-between each dance routine there was cheering and screaming from all the gymnasts supporting each other as they do so well. Each coach from the group said a few words about the routine too which was a lovely thing for the gymnasts and parents to hear.

The votes were in! Everyone had sent their own vote in from the link and we could now announce the winners! We had a coach vote and a gymnast vote…
Gymnast vote winners: NO MONEY CREW

Coach vote winners: CRAZY CAT LADIES

Well done to all of our gymnasts who were involved in our first ever Inspire’s Got Talent dance competition, everyone worked so hard in the weeks leading up to this. It most defiantly paid off as the dance routines were very impressive!!
Maybe Inspire’s Got Talent 2 will take place sometime soon but in the gym and not over a screen!
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